[Sugar-devel] [ASLO] Release Calculate-43
Sugar Labs Activities
2017-05-26 10:40:29 UTC
Activity Homepage:

Sugar Platform:
0.86 - 0.104

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Release notes:
Many bugs solved!

Add max_participants and repository to .info file
Implement select all operation when the user press Ctrl+a - Fixes #4738 (Amit Kumar)
Don not show decimal zeros if the result is an integer (Vikram Ahuja)
Significant digit bug solved. Eg : 2+3 returns 5 instead of 5.00000 (Vikram Ahuja)
Input 2+x**y (of form a+x**y) was going to an infinite loop and thus making the activity unreactive. #4810 Fixed (Vikram Ahuja)
added is_prime function Fixes #4812 (Amit Kumar)
Checking for first occurence of '+' and '-' just after ** in x**y function. Fixes #4810 (Vikram Ahuja)
Definition of b10bin() updated this fixes #4811 (Gaurav Mishra)
Fac() function removed - Fixes #3531 (Vikram Ahuja)
Fixes Raising of Errors by adding ArgumentError Class hence #4807 (Gaurav Mishra)
Fix log10 function using base 10 algorithm - Fixes #4809 (Vikram Ahuja)

Sugar Labs Activities
